Yeah, it is. I'm gonna listen to her tonight. I think you should... You should come with. I have a thing.
Pitch Perfect
Okay, I have the pitch pipe, and I say that we focus on the set list as planned.
Pitch Perfect
Hey, I'm Beca. Over there. Thanks.
Pitch Perfect
And there are only four months until regionals. So, if you have a problem with the way that I run the Bellas, then you should just...
Pitch Perfect
Let's see how you do it Put up your dukes, let's get down to it! Hit me with your best shot. Why don't you hit me with your best shot.
Pitch Perfect
What's up, weirdo? Okay.
Pitch Perfect
I set fires to feel joy.
Pitch Perfect
Chloe, this is horrible. Well, at least it's not herpes.
Pitch Perfect
Now, this is how we will become champions.
Pitch Perfect
I'm willing to sign breasts. Yes! I'm willing to sign... Look who it is. Old dudes.
Pitch Perfect
Jaws, E.T., The Breakfast Club, Star Wars and Rocky. Best scored and soundtracked movies of all time. That's what I wanna do when I grow up. I wanna score movies. Bring people to tears, you know. Blow their minds.
Pitch Perfect
Tell me, what does Judd Nelson eat for breakfast? Well, like all misunderstood rebels, he feeds on hypocrisy. Sure. And black coffee to help with his morning dumps.