Found 1391 results
Totes. We sing covers of songs but we do it without any instruments. It's all from our mouths.
Pitch Perfect
This is my track! You're playing my song right now!
Pitch Perfect
Now that you've puked your way to the bottom, you might actually consider me?
Pitch Perfect
Hey. My God. My gosh.
Pitch Perfect
Even though some of you are pretty thin, I think that you all have fat hearts, and that's what matters. Okay, let's just smash this. Okay?
Pitch Perfect
- Jesse, I know you're in there. - I can smell popcorn.
Pitch Perfect
Thank you. Performing live gives me such a rush.
Pitch Perfect
Yeah, I think I'm good. He's good. You're good.
Pitch Perfect
Here we go again. Looks like they're sticking with what they know.
Pitch Perfect
Not me. I'm here for one reason only. I really love stacking CDs.
Pitch Perfect
Hands in, a-ca-bitches! Okay.
Pitch Perfect
Hey, Barb. You gonna audition this year? We have openings.
Pitch Perfect
Excuse me? But you guys are gonna get pitch-slapped so hard your man boobs are gonna concave.
Pitch Perfect
It's a... it's...
Pitch Perfect
From now on, there will be no more wasting time with work or school or boyfriends or partners. Sorry, Cynthia Rose.
Pitch Perfect