Found 1391 results
What are nodes? Vocal nodules.
Pitch Perfect
The key is early diagnosis.
Pitch Perfect
But I am a survivor.
Pitch Perfect
I'm gonna stop this.
Pitch Perfect
You took an oath.
Pitch Perfect
I don't have a girlfriend. What? No. You have juice pouches and Rocky. Okay, so what do you wanna watch first? Wanna do something else?
Pitch Perfect
I figured we could do some other fun things that don't make us wanna kill ourselves, right? Yeah. So, brought some movies.
Pitch Perfect
Jesse? Yeah. I'm starving, so could you... You want me to get you lunch?
Pitch Perfect
What, do you not like movies or something?
Pitch Perfect
And the chess match continues.
Pitch Perfect
Because I have nodes.
Pitch Perfect
I feel like only music can do that. Yeah. You must really sweep your girlfriend off her feet.
Pitch Perfect
Hey, this is my new mix, so if there's anything you wanted to play... Yeah, okay, I'll put it on the pile. Okay.
Pitch Perfect
We could relive my parents' divorce. Or visit a gynecologist.
Pitch Perfect
Chloe, this is horrible. Well, at least it's not herpes.
Pitch Perfect
You should probably lay off the burgers.
Pitch Perfect
Or do you have that as well?
Pitch Perfect
Are you guys getting ready for the riff-off?
Pitch Perfect