Forget about it. There are hundreds of unknown subjects out there. I can get this guy. The worst thing a paperhanger can do is show his face. I read the report. Six feet tall, brown hair, 27 to 30 years of age, 160 pounds. This could be almost anybody. I heard his voice. I saw his face. There's nothing for him to hide behind anymore.
Catch Me If You Can
Just be careful. You got 12 years in. Nobody bothers you down on the first floor. You practically wrote the book on bank fraud. That's the kind of thing that can make you section chief someday. Just don't put yourself in this type of position. What type of position?
Catch Me If You Can
Kid, I'm really not in the mood for this right now. This Skywayman's driving me crazy. Who's the Skywayman? Some nut flying around the country, posing as a Pan Am pilot. There's a column about him in the paper today.
Catch Me If You Can
My next question is, when a pilot retires, Pan Am sends them a check every single month? Yeah, pension program sends a check and benefits. How much is that check for?
Catch Me If You Can
I keep telling them it's not my problem. This guy doesn't even fly Pan Am. Flies everybody else. Flies United, TWA, Continental, Eastern.
Catch Me If You Can
Sean, would you like to hear me tell a joke? Yeah. Sure. Knock, knock.
Catch Me If You Can
The position of being humiliated.
Catch Me If You Can
Newspaper loves this clown.
Catch Me If You Can
Pleasure to have you back, Captain. What do you think, Angelo? The tomatoes are ripe this afternoon.
Catch Me If You Can
Must have slipped right off your neck.
Catch Me If You Can
Is there something I can help you with, son? It's my grandmother's birthday next week and I want to get her something extra special. Please, it's my midterm next week and my books were stolen.