It's obviously not me that's clinging to something here.
Alita: Battle Angel
You'll like this a whole lot better with the peel off. I don't mean to be rude... but am I supposed to know you? Actually... we haven't met. I'm Dr. Dyson Ido. This is Nurse Gerhad. And do you know who I am? Well, we were hoping... you'd fill in that part. Since you're a total replacement cyborg... and most of your cyber body was destroyed... we can't find any records. But your very human brain was miraculously intact. Theoretically, you should remember something. Oh. Well... It's still pretty blank.
Alita: Battle Angel
While I'm learning names, do you have one for me? Alita.
Alita: Battle Angel
You can see what you're up against.
Alita: Battle Angel
Can I keep it?
Alita: Battle Angel
I came to ask for your help... against our common enemy, Grewishka.