Found 527 results
I followed that lady down here, and I shot her with that gun I found.
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- Give me a hand. - Oh. Okay.
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- That's it? - Yeah, that's it.
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Georgie. Georgie.
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You don't wanna kill me. You don't want me to die.
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But he, um, he really understood how important it was for me to... finally have a real, permanent family.
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My foster parents were great people.
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Just... just stay inside the walls until you get to the kit... Hey. Hey. You can do this. Where you going?
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Dora, two more, please.
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How long does this usually take? There is nothing usual about this. It's only happened once since I joined the family.
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I gather you've noticed our family is big on tradition.
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I have to call the others.
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Fucking shit. Fuck.
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She's indisposed.
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Have a seat.
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I know, I know.
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Does the help count? No! Why does everyone keep asking that?
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