And you don't know how grateful we are that you brought Alex back to us.
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Holy shit.
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This is Clara. Does she look like she's wearing a giant, white wedding dress, Emilie? Why did you shoot her in the face, sweetheart? You're supposed to maim her. She needs to be alive for the ritual. I don't know. - I heard a shot. - Yeah.
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I know tonight didn't go as planned. But I'll make it right, Mr. Le Bail.
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The rules are simple. You can hide anywhere inside the house.
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Oh. No, no. We never use the cameras. We always play the games as they would've been played in Great-Grandfather's time. Always.
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We then count to 100 and try to, um... well, find you.
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Alex, honey, do you want some company?
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Come on, up and at 'em.
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You should never have let him leave us. Excuse me?
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Oh! - Hey. - Hi! Mom, I'm just gonna steal her away. Okay? Mmm.
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- Did you... Did you just kill 'em? - No, I just gave them a nip. I Googled it. They'll shit weird for a week, but they'll be fine. - Don't worry, I'll get Alex out too. - Find them!
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What'd she say to you? Oh, she's so sweet. Did she say anything? No. No. All right.
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Alex is the one who got out. If anyone was gonna save you, it would've been him.
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But you were with them the last time they played hide and seek, weren't you? Were you six, seven? Do you remember anything? I remember all of it.