Well, I-I care what they think. Because they are the family of the man that I love. And I want them to accept me.
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Daddy, come see what I mean... Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
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Why did she have to pull "hide and seek"?
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I'll give you a ten-second head start.
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Congratulations, you fuckface.
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I mean, you couldn't wait to sign your soul away.
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She's outside, running towards the north fence.
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On one of his many excursions abroad, Great-Grandfather came to meet a Mr. Le Bail. He was a... He was a passenger aboard the ship. A collector, of sorts. Purchasing exotic antiquities to resell to wealthy Americans. After discovering a mutual passion for games of chance, they passed a great many hours playing cards. And among Mr. Le Bail's possessions was... that box. And one evening, after indulging in more than their fair ration of rum... Mr. Le Bail proposed a wager.
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Look at this, you must be the bride. - Hi. - Fitch Bradley. Grace. Pleasure. - Alex. - Hi, Fitch. How are you? Well done. Sorry we cut it so close. We couldn't get our regular charter out of de Gaulle this morning. And I cannot fly commercial anymore, right? - It's the worst. You understand. - Grace! Hi! - Hi! - I'm Emilie. Oh, my God, your dress is amazing! I've been totally stalking you on Instagram. Oh, really? That's...
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I know tonight didn't go as planned. But I'll make it right, Mr. Le Bail.
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I have to call the others.
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When you marry into this family you have to play a game. And if you don't, you die. I know that sounds crazy, but you have to believe me, it is real.