Foreclosure? Please, sir. I'm begging you. This company is my life's work. I have a family and a respons-- [disconnect tone drones] -Is everything all right, sir? -It's fine.
Wish Dragon
-What's that face? I know that. -I don't have a face. What? Go to school. Stop planning things.
Wish Dragon
Wish Dragon
Stupid teacher. [grumbles]
Wish Dragon
-What is this? -[footsteps boom] Don't you know who I am?
Wish Dragon
[children laughing]
Wish Dragon
[wind rushing]
Wish Dragon
What happened? Time's up, Dan. What happened? Well, we jumped off a building. We almost died.
We talked and it was just like old times. We made arrangements to have lunch. Can you believe it? I can't believe you didn't explain what a toilet is. Everything is going to plan! Oh, really, Dan. Uh, I'll come clean when the time's right. You're not gonna, because there is no right time. You're the peasant, she's the princess. Tale as old as time. And we all know how that ends.
Wish Dragon
[Mr. Wang] Good quality leather, excellent suit, Rolex. And what's the family business? Uh, dumplings! I mean, Dumpling House. I mean, restaurants in general. All of them. Ah, a young man of means, I see. Reminds me of myself. You two should have lunch. -Dad! -Uh, yes. -Of course. I'd love that. -Excellent. Let's have arrangements made. Forgive my manners. I didn't get your name. Oh, I'm… -Dan. -Pleasure to meet you, Dan. Where would you like to go? The Pearl Tower's excellent. I have a reservation-- -Excuse me, sir. A very important call. -Just give me a few minutes. Sir, they said they need to talk now. [sighs] Put them on.
Wish Dragon
[teacher] Now, follow me.
Wish Dragon
Stupid shoes.
Wish Dragon
-Li Na, is that you? -Go away. I'm busy.
Wish Dragon
-[menacing music] -Ah!
Wish Dragon
-[man] I demand you open this gate! -[strumming pipa rapidly]
Wish Dragon
There you are. Hungry? You want a snack? Hey, Dad. -What'd you learn? -We learned about dragons.