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Not as a reward, but as a punishment. I was imprisoned and sent down to Earth to serve ten masters and learn the true meaning of life.
Wish Dragon
And yet, as I laid on my deathbed, I awaited the parade of loyal subjects and loving family.
Wish Dragon
I arrived at the gates to the spirit world and awaited a great procession to welcome me.
Wish Dragon
Soon, I had more gold, more land, and more monuments than any lord who had come before me.
Wish Dragon
With my last breath, I cursed all who had forgotten me.
Wish Dragon
Make sure it's what you really want.
Wish Dragon
It's your wish, Din.
Wish Dragon
But there was none.
Wish Dragon
My daughters were married to the finest families, to expand the kingdom's glory.
Wish Dragon
So, I set my sights on expanding my fortune and let nothing stand in my way.
Wish Dragon
My subjects were loyal… …and worked tirelessly year after year.
Wish Dragon
[dramatic music plays] [energy booms]
Wish Dragon
I learned from a young age that gold is power.
Wish Dragon
And my son, I sent off to win treasure.
Wish Dragon
-[Din] Whoa. -[Long] This was my home.
Wish Dragon
I was born into royalty.
Wish Dragon
He came home a hero.
Wish Dragon
From our old neighborhood?
Wish Dragon