I chaIIenge this committee to produce any witness or evidence against me and if they do not, I hope they wiII have the decency to cIear my name with the same pubIicity with which they have besmirched it.
The Godfather Part II
It's never been done before. Not even your father would dream that such a thing could be possible.
The Godfather Part II
The American public believe in non-intervention... Fredo! Where are you going? I'm getting a real drink, because I can't...
The Godfather Part II
Why do you hurt me, Michael? I've always been loyal to you. What is this?
The Godfather Part II
So...you're staying?
The Godfather Part II
$200 each...everybody agreed?
The Godfather Part II
Roth is dead.
The Godfather Part II
Close the door! Your friend the cop... Hey, Ritch. It's dark in here. Are you open or closed? I just came in to clean up a little, you know?
The Godfather Part II
Vito, leave this to us.
The Godfather Part II
The Godfather Part II
When Frankie went to make a deal with the Rosato brothers they tried to kill him. He thought you double-crossed him.
The Godfather Part II
Due to serious setbacks to our troops in Guantanamo and Santiago...
The Godfather Part II
Before I Ieave, I do want to say this, that these hearings on the Mafia are in no way whatsoever a sIur upon the great ItaIian peopIe. I can state from my own knowIedge and experience that ItaIian-Americans are among the most IoyaI, most Iaw-abiding, patriotic, hard-working American citizens in this Iand.
The Godfather Part II
-Vito, what do you think? -We'll make a big business!