You're now going to be officially interviewed. Should I go and light the candle first, sir? What? No.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Zero. Six, Igor.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Well, who wouldn't, at the Grand Budapest, sir? It's an institution.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
A Lobby Boy remembers what people hate. A Lobby Boy anticipates the client's needs before the needs are needed. A Lobby Boy is, above all, discreet to a fault. Our guests know their deepest secrets, some of which are, frankly, rather unseemly, will go with us to our graves. So keep your mouth shut, Zero. Yes, sir.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
He was, by the way, the most liberally perfumed man I had ever encountered. The scent announced his approach from a great distance and lingered for many minutes after he was gone.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
I worked six days each week plus a half-day Sunday, 5:00 AM until just after midnight.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Why do you want to be a Lobby Boy?
The Grand Budapest Hotel
A thousand Klubecks. My goodness.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
He did not succeed, however, in growing old.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
MR. MOUSTAFA: And so, my life began.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
That's all for now. MR. MOUSTAFA: I began to realize that many of the hotel's most valued and distinguished guests came for him. It seemed to be an essential part of his duties... Ah! ...but I believe it was also his pleasure.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Nobody move. Everybody's under arrest.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Who's out the window? Agatha!
The Grand Budapest Hotel
AGATHA: Something's on the back of the...
The Grand Budapest Hotel
310-bis. Hang on! Here I come!
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Yes. I approve of this union. Agatha, my beauty, return to your beloved. MR. MOUSTAFA: Soon we learned... GUSTAVE H: Blessings upon you both. ...not only was Agatha immensely skilled with a palette knife and a butter-cream flourish... Mendl. Go.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
We've taken it upon ourselves to clear out in a hurry if you see what I mean. Well, through a sewer, as it happens. Exactly. Listen, Ivan, I'm sorry to out you off, but we're in a bit of a bind. This is an official request. I'm formally calling upon the special services of...
The Grand Budapest Hotel
What on God's earth possessed you to leave the homeland where you obviously belong and travel unspeakable distances to become a penniless immigrant in a refined, highly-cultivated society that, quite frankly, could've gotten along very well without you?