Walt! Where the hell are you? Right here! Why are you cursing at me? Does it concern you that your daughter's just run away from home?
Moonrise Kingdom
But in all likelihood, Suzy's probably hiding in the closet at her best friend's house playing Chinese checkers at this very moment, as we speak. She doesn't have any friends.
Moonrise Kingdom
I know.
Moonrise Kingdom
Whose fault is it? I don't know.
Moonrise Kingdom
Which one's the best? "His eyes downcast, his kingdom in ruins, Mynar pressed his heavy paw "through the rippling surface of the cool shallows "and down to its stone floor. "My people once were led by a great and noble beast "and I no longer see his face in this reflection.' "Meanwhile, on the Plains of Tabitha, Francine rested. "There would be another time for war."
Moonrise Kingdom
Where's your sister? I don't know, but she borrowed my record player for 10 days without asking. What does that mean? Dear Lionel, I need to use your record player. I will give it back in 10 days or less. Do not tell Mom. Or Dad. I will replace the batteries when I return. Signed, Suzy Bishop.
Moonrise Kingdom
But just for the record 95% of all runaways return home within the first six hours.
Moonrise Kingdom
That doesn't do you any good right now. It's just a statistic.