We are on the far edge of Black Beacon Sound, famous for the ferocious and well-documented storm, which will strike from the east on the 5th of September.
Moonrise Kingdom
Deluca, latrine inspection.
Moonrise Kingdom
In three days' time.
Moonrise Kingdom
Criss-crossed by shallow tidal creeks.
Moonrise Kingdom
Forested with old-growth pine and maple.
Moonrise Kingdom
16 miles long.
Moonrise Kingdom
This is the island of New Penzance.
Moonrise Kingdom
After this, you will hear the theme by Purcell played once more in its original form by all four families together. That is, the whole orchestra.
Moonrise Kingdom
One to four.
Moonrise Kingdom
In order to show you how a big symphony orchestra is put together, Benjamin Britten has written a big piece of music, which is made up of smaller pieces that show you all the separate parts of the orchestra. These smaller pieces are called variations, which means different ways of playing the same tune. First of all, he lets us hear the tune or the theme, which is a beautiful melody by the much older British composer Henry Purcell. Here is Purcell's theme played by the whole orchestra together.
Moonrise Kingdom
Now, Mr. Britten lets you hear the four different families of the orchestra playing the same Purcell theme in different ways. First, we hear the woodwind family. The flutes, the oboes, the clarinets and the bassoons.
Moonrise Kingdom
Here comes the brass family. The trumpets, the horns, the trombones and the tubas.
Moonrise Kingdom
Chickchaw territory.
Moonrise Kingdom
There are no paved roads, but...
Moonrise Kingdom
Here comes Jed with the mail. But instead many miles of intersecting footpaths and dirt trails, and a ferry that runs twice daily from Stone Cove.