Call everyone in. Every car patrol, beat cop, off-duty too. Pull them in now. l'm gonna do what Jim Gordon never could. -What's that? -l'm gonna take down the Batman. MAN 1 [OVER TV]: --are confirming four suspects are carrying two hostages... ...kidnapped from the Gotham Stock Exchange. -Reports from the eyewitnesses-- MAN 2: Scott, dead center of your screen. MAN 1 : What do you see? MAN 2: I see Batman. MAN 1: Hard to believe, but the suspects are now being pursued... what appears to be the Batman. Well, what do you know?
The Dark Knight Rises
He fell in love with the warlord's daughter.
The Dark Knight Rises
Well, then sit tight. Your majority keeps Daggett at bay... ...while we figure out a future for the energy program with Miranda Tate. She has supported the project all the way.
The Dark Knight Rises
[MEN CHEERING AND WHOOPING] GUARD: You're locking her up in here? The Dent Act allows non-segregation based on extraordinary need. First time she broke out of women's correctional, she was 1 6. INMATE: Little closer, baby. Why, honey? You wanna hold my hand? [INMATE YELLS] She's gonna be fine.
The Dark Knight Rises
You idiots!
The Dark Knight Rises
What kind of work are you gonna find in the sewers? More than you can find up here, l guess.
The Dark Knight Rises
And she was with child... ...the mercenary's child. lnnocence cannot flower underground. lt has to be stamped out.
The Dark Knight Rises
1.9s uncrackable.
The Dark Knight Rises
You know what you said about structures becoming shackles?
The Dark Knight Rises
You've gotta be kidding me. -No guns. No killing. -Where's the fun in that?
The Dark Knight Rises
[AUDIENCE APPLAUDS] MAID 1 : You see the guy who owns the house? MAID 2: No. I heard... -...he never leaves the east wing. -l heard he had an accident. -Yeah, that he's disfigured. He has to wear a-- ALFRED: Mr. Till?
The Dark Knight Rises
From here, Bane's men patrol the tunnels.
The Dark Knight Rises
Seems you made a series of large put options on the futures exchange... ...verified by thumbprint. Those options expired at midnight last night. Long-term, we may be able to prove fraud. But for now, you're completely broke... ...and Wayne Enterprises is about to fall into the hands of John Daggett. The weapons. We can't let Daggett get his hands on Applied Sciences. Applied Sciences is all locked up and off the books. The energy project, however, is a different story. Miranda Tate.
The Dark Knight Rises
Why didn't you just... ...kill me? BANE: You don't fear death, you welcome it. Your punishment must be more severe. Torture? Yes. But not of your body. Of your soul.
The Dark Knight Rises
Maybe right now... ...all you need to know is that there are...
The Dark Knight Rises
-Excuse me, miss. -Uh, yes? l'm gonna need to see your ticket and identification, please. Oh. Do you mind? l showed your picture to the congressman. Guess what. Don't tell me. Still in love? Oh, head over heels. Pressing charges, though.
The Dark Knight Rises
Here you go. Get on the bus. Go ahead. You, come with me. You too. Hey, you, you, and you, come here, come here. Everyone else get on the bus, okay? You guys, you go knock on doors and spread the word, okay? The bomb is gonna go off. Get out by the South Street tunnel or over the bridge. You do two blocks and you get back to the bus, all right? Go, go, go! ls he back?
The Dark Knight Rises
4.7s just give me what we agreed. We can't have loose ends.