Your heir. An heir to ensure the League of Shadows fulfills its duty... restore balance to civilization. No. You yourself fought the decadence of Gotham for years... ...with all your strength... ...all your resources, all your moral authority. And the only victory you could achieve was a lie. Now you understand. Gotham is beyond saving. No. -And must be allowed to die. -No!
The Dark Knight Rises
We have to force that convoy east to the entrance to the reactor. l need you on the ground, l'll be in the air. Go.
The Dark Knight Rises
BLAKE: There's a ring around the tunnels! They'll blow it and trap the cops underground!
The Dark Knight Rises
Why did you say that your boys' home used to be funded by the Wayne Foundation? BLAKE: Because the money stopped. Might be time to get some fresh air. Start paying attention to the details.
The Dark Knight Rises
They will kill you the second you show your face.
The Dark Knight Rises
MIRANDA: All right, stop.
The Dark Knight Rises
Look, Peter. l'm not asking you to walk down Grand in your dress blues, but something has to be done. -Sorry, Jim. l gotta-- -Keep your head down? What good's that gonna do when that thing blows? You don't know that's gonna happen.
The Dark Knight Rises
Hardened by pain.
The Dark Knight Rises
He wants to meet tonight. Why? He needs to find Bane. Says you'd know how.
The Dark Knight Rises
BATMAN: "Us"? You were excommunicated... a gang of psychopaths.
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
...take control. Take control of your city.
The Dark Knight Rises
-Nothing here. -Uh, try my legal name.
The Dark Knight Rises
Aah! What you doing to me? Let me out! No!
The Dark Knight Rises
GORDON: Not you. You're telling me the Batman's gone... you chase up the Daggett leads any way you can.
The Dark Knight Rises
But we've met before. lt was a long time ago. l was a kid. Uh, St. Swithin's. lt used to be funded by the Wayne Foundation. lt's an orphanage.