DAGGETT: Why are you wasting your time trying to talk to a man... ...who threw away your investment on some save-the-world vanity project? He can't get your money back. l can. l could try explaining that a save-the-world project, vain or not... ...is worth investing in, Mr. Daggett. But you understand only money and the power you think it buys... ...so why waste my time indeed?
The Dark Knight Rises
Takes a better mind than mine to fix it. Better mind?
The Dark Knight Rises
You haven't been down here in a long time. Trying to find out more about our jewel thief. l ran her prints.
The Dark Knight Rises
Cell's working. BANE: For now.
The Dark Knight Rises
-Bruce. WAYNE: You okay? Picked a hell of a time to go on vacation, Mr. Wayne. How long until that core ignites? -That bomb goes off in 12 hours. -Unless we can reconnect it to the reactor.
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
PAVEL: No, you cannot.
The Dark Knight Rises
There have to be some. -Time to talk to Mr. Fox, l think. -l'll get him on the phone. No, no, no. Do we still have any cars around the place? Yes. One or two. l need an appointment at the hospital for my leg. -Which hospital? -Whichever one Jim Gordon's in.
The Dark Knight Rises
Say you can live down there.
The Dark Knight Rises
You have to get that bomb here. You've got 1 0 minutes.
The Dark Knight Rises
He's drawing the cops off Bane.
The Dark Knight Rises
GORDON: What are you doing? BATMAN: l can get it out over the bay!
The Dark Knight Rises
BANE: Let the games begin.
The Dark Knight Rises
Ah, yes.
The Dark Knight Rises
They're pushing us to the entrance of the reactor. They're gonna try to reconnect the core.