How have you come back? You think you're the only one who could learn the strength to escape? Where's the trigger?
The Dark Knight Rises
You think all this can last? There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne.
The Dark Knight Rises
-Foley. BLAKE: lt's a trap! Pull everyone out! Bane has been pouring concrete... -...laced with explosives! -Where?
The Dark Knight Rises
Any move l make on Bane or the bomb... ...the triggerman sets it off. FOX: Well, they won't use radio or cell. Too much interference. lnfrared doesn't have the range. lt'll have to be a microburst. Longwave. -Could you block it? -Yes. But l'll need the EMP cannon guidance mount from the Bat.
The Dark Knight Rises
Keep her close.
The Dark Knight Rises
And can we get some girls in here? CATWOMAN: Careful what you wish for. Cat got your tongue? You dumb bitch. Nobody ever accused me of being dumb. You're dumb for coming here tonight. [DAGGETT GROANS] l want what you owe me.
The Dark Knight Rises
But my father could not accept Bane.
The Dark Knight Rises
This blocks the remote detonator signal to the bomb. Get it onto it before sunrise. They might hit the button when it starts.
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
Sweetheart, not so fast with the chow. -Shrimp balls? -Thank you. Jim Gordon can tell you the truth about Harvey Dent. l'll let him tell you himself. Commissioner Gordon.