-Can you get Miranda out of here? -Not tonight. l'm sorry.
The Dark Knight Rises
Sir, are you okay? l'm a police officer. l need your car right now.
The Dark Knight Rises
You okay? You okay? Hey, hey, you awake? [GORDON COUGHING]
The Dark Knight Rises
Just you, sir?
The Dark Knight Rises
Put that thing away before you hurt yourself. Get in! Let's go. You, get in the car. They've spotted the Batman.
The Dark Knight Rises
BANE: lmpossible.
The Dark Knight Rises
[BELL RINGS] [CLAMORING] TRADER: You can't short the stock because Bruce Wayne goes to a party. Wayne coming back is change. Change is either good or bad. l vote bad. On what basis? l flipped a coin. lt says rye-- l said no rye, man.
The Dark Knight Rises
GORDON: They keep it on a truck. lt must have a lead-lined roof. -They move it constantly. JONES: Good. So you know the truck? GORDON: Well, it's one of three. We've been tracking it.
The Dark Knight Rises
Where's your trigger?!
The Dark Knight Rises
You were right, and l can't take it. The injustice. l mean, no one's ever gonna know who saved an entire city. They know. lt was the Batman.
The Dark Knight Rises
Not so fast, handsome.
The Dark Knight Rises
Go, go!
The Dark Knight Rises
WAYNE: Mind if l cut in? Thank you.
The Dark Knight Rises
WAYNE: You check that name? Bane? ALFRED: He's a mercenary. No other known names. Him and his men were behind a coup in West Africa... ...that secured mining operations for our friend John Daggett.