Got your powerful friend on the case? l'm trying...
The Dark Knight Rises
He left...
The Dark Knight Rises
And where's Mrs. Bolton?
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
[SIGHS] l don't know what you're planning to do with Mr. Wayne's prints... ...but l'm guessing you'll need his thumb. You don't count so good, huh? l count fine. ln fact, l'm counting to 1 0 right now.
The Dark Knight Rises
About the whole no-guns thing...
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
STRYVER: You brought a date? l like having someone around to open doors for me.
The Dark Knight Rises
-What now? -All-out assault on Bane. But you need to get people across the bridge. -Why? -ln case we fail. Lead an exodus. Save as many lives as you can. You don't need me here? You've given me an army. Now go. Hey, thanks. Don't thank me yet. Well, l might not get a chance later.
The Dark Knight Rises
Oops. Nobody told me it was uncrackable. l'm afraid l can't let you take those.
The Dark Knight Rises
Keep some pressure on that, sweetheart. Call me?
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
People of Gotham, we have not abandoned you. What does that mean? lt means we're on our own. l have to get in front of a camera.
The Dark Knight Rises
My body makes the jump.
The Dark Knight Rises
MAN 1 : Who's that? MAN 2: A stiff can barely climb out of his sports car. -No, that's Bruce Wayne! -Mr. Wayne, over here! [ALL SHOUTING] [BUTTON BEEPS & DEVICES POWER OFF]
The Dark Knight Rises
When what starts?
The Dark Knight Rises
Once you've done what you had to, they never let you do what you want to. Start fresh. Ugh. There's no fresh start in today's world. Any 1 2-year-old with a cell phone could find out what you did. Everything we do is collated and quantified. Everything sticks. ls that how you justify stealing? l take what l need from those who have more than enough. l don't stand on the shoulders of people with less. Robin Hood? l think l'd do more to help someone than most of the people in this room. Than you. You think maybe you're assuming a little too much? Maybe you're being unrealistic about what's really in your pants other than your wallet. Ouch.