Dr. Pavel, l'm CIA. DRlVER: He wasn't alone. -Uh, you don't get to bring friends. -They are not my friends. DRlVER: Don't worry, no charge for them.
The Dark Knight Rises
WAYNE: l'm not sure if my assistant-- -Right through here. Thank you so much.
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
You should use your full name. l like that name. -Robin. -Thanks. SCIENTIST 1 : Why worry about the stabilization software? This entire autopilot system's completely obsolete. Please, l just need to know what l could've done to fix it. But, Mr. Fox, it's already been fixed. Software patch. Six months ago. Check the ID on the patch.
The Dark Knight Rises
...till now. What are you? BANE: l'm Gotham's reckoning. Here to end the borrowed time you've all been living on. You're pure evil. BANE: l'm necessary evil. DAGGETT: No. No, no, no! [DAGGETT SCREAMS]
The Dark Knight Rises
[GORDON SIGHS] Let's go see about the congressman's wife.
The Dark Knight Rises
Keep them from falling into the wrong hands.
The Dark Knight Rises
ALFRED: Master Wayne?
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
BANE: Goodbye.
The Dark Knight Rises
Oh, now you're just showing off.
The Dark Knight Rises
Clear the corners, rookie.
The Dark Knight Rises
After what l did to you? l'll admit, l was a little let down.
The Dark Knight Rises
Negative. Stay on the Batman.
The Dark Knight Rises
Molded by it. l didn't see the light until l was already a man. By then, it was nothing to me but blinding! The shadows betray you because they belong to me! l will show you where l have made my home... ...whilst preparing to bring justice. Then l will break you. Your precious armory. Gratefully accepted. We will need it. Ah, yes. l was wondering what would break first. [BATMAN YELLS] Your spirit... ...or your body.
The Dark Knight Rises
Tell me where the trigger is. Then you have my permission to die.
The Dark Knight Rises
BATMAN: Cover the doors!
The Dark Knight Rises
And isn't so wounded when it fails... ...that he goes into hiding. Have a good evening, Mr. Wayne.