CATWOMAN: Just a little further. l had to find a way to stop them trying to kill me. You made a serious mistake.
The Dark Knight Rises
SPOTTER [OVER RADIO]: One bike's pulled off. No hostage. Should we pursue?
The Dark Knight Rises
Now back off. Back off, they've got hostages. MAN [ON TV]: --P.D. are pursuing the four suspects through downtown... response to a hostage situation.
The Dark Knight Rises
4.7s just give me what we agreed. We can't have loose ends.
The Dark Knight Rises
About the whole no-guns thing...
The Dark Knight Rises
What's it called?
The Dark Knight Rises
-Why were you dusting for prints? -l wasn't.
The Dark Knight Rises
But my dad got shot a couple years later over a gambling debt...
The Dark Knight Rises
BOY: Dad, check it out. MRS. FOLEY: Honey, come take a look.
The Dark Knight Rises
BATMAN: They know.
The Dark Knight Rises
[IN ENGLISH] Survival is the spirit. The soul.
The Dark Knight Rises
No lawyer? No witnesses? What sort of due process is this? CRANE: Your guilt has been determined, this is merely a sentencing hearing. Now, what will it be? Death or exile? Crane, if you think we're going out onto that ice willingly... have another thing coming. Death, then. -Looks that way. CRANE: Very well. Death... exile. [ALL SHOUTING]
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
GORDON: I knew Harvey Dent. l was his friend. And it will be a very long time before someone inspires us the way he did. l believed in Harvey Dent.
The Dark Knight Rises
My soul is as ready to escape as my body. Fear is why you fail.