Found 703 results
-Can you get Miranda out of here? -Not tonight. l'm sorry.
The Dark Knight Rises
-Bane? -Aye.
The Dark Knight Rises
Although you don't have the long nails or, heh, the facial scars, sir. ls that what they say about me? lt's just that no one ever sees you.
The Dark Knight Rises
You haven't been down here in a long time. Trying to find out more about our jewel thief. l ran her prints.
The Dark Knight Rises
BATMAN: Light it up.
The Dark Knight Rises
MIRANDA: Nobody's answering.
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
Hardened by pain.
The Dark Knight Rises
Honestly, commissioner, l don't know anything about civil engineering. But you know about patterns. Keep looking.
The Dark Knight Rises
-Tell him l'll think about it. -Okay. l like your place.
The Dark Knight Rises
She fly okay?
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
But they had nothing. lt was a gangland myth.
The Dark Knight Rises
What the hell was that? Oh, boy, you are in for a show tonight, son.
The Dark Knight Rises
You were right, and l can't take it. The injustice. l mean, no one's ever gonna know who saved an entire city. They know. lt was the Batman.
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
Can l have a ride? You read my mind.
The Dark Knight Rises
MIRANDA: All right, stop.
The Dark Knight Rises