And she was with child... ...the mercenary's child. lnnocence cannot flower underground. lt has to be stamped out.
The Dark Knight Rises
He says there is one who did.
The Dark Knight Rises
...left him in perpetual agony. The mask holds the pain at bay. Bane was the child you spoke of? He was born here?
The Dark Knight Rises
BLAKE: Hey, Father! Let's get everyone back on the bus, okay? Go, go, go! -Back on the bus! -There's nowhere to go.
The Dark Knight Rises
Why do you need Fox? -To save the city. -Who says it needs saving? Maybe l like it this way. Maybe you do...
The Dark Knight Rises
After what l did to you? l'll admit, l was a little let down.
The Dark Knight Rises
And where's Mrs. Bolton?
The Dark Knight Rises
Come on. Let's go scalping. Come on.
The Dark Knight Rises
...she was wearing someone else's fingerprints. She's good. She may be, but we have a trace on the necklace. We do. l cross-referenced the address she went back to... ...with police data on high-end B-and-E's, and, um....
You haven't been down here in a long time. Trying to find out more about our jewel thief. l ran her prints.
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
Hey, rookie, lose the helmet. We need faces for camera. [DEVICE BEEPING]
The Dark Knight Rises
And even in that dress, no one's gonna miss you. SELINA: No. But my friend over there? Every cop in the city's missing him. STRYVER: That's cute. But they're not gonna be looking in a place like this. l don't know. You did just use his cell phone.