May I officiate, by the way? The ceremony? With pleasure. I must say, I find that girl utterly delightful. Flat as a board, enormous birthmark the shape of Mexico over half her face, sweating for hours on end in that sweltering kitchen while Mendl, genius though he is, looms over her like a hulking gorilla.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Okay, let's go.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
They're going to fight me for the son of a bitch. Is it very beautiful? Beyond description. "E'en the most gifted bard's rhyme can only sing "but to the lack of her and all she isn't! "His tongue doth..." Can I see it? I don't see why not.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
This criminal has plagued my family for nearly 20 years. He's a ruthless adventurer and a con-artist who preys on mentally feeble, sick old ladies, and he probably fucks them, too! I go to bed with all my friends.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
You're supposed to also. I'll do that later. He suspects you're innocent. Of course he does. What's the charge?
The Grand Budapest Hotel
He's, actually, become a dear friend. You'll meet him, I hope.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
You should take a long look at his ugly mug this morning.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
I want roadblocks at every junction for 50km. I want rail blocks at every train station for 100km.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
He was short four fingers. What do you know about that? Nothing.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
These men are dangerous, professional criminals.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Good evening, Mr. Desgoffe und Taxis. I'm Monsieur Chuck. We've booked you and your sisters into the King Ferdinand Suite. Good evening. General von Shrecker asked me... Who's that? I beg your pardon? I think that girl's got my picture. Excuse me.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
We were happy here. For a little while.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
No, I don't think so. You see, we shared a vocation.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
This name will no doubt be familiar to the more seasoned persons among you.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Get me Monsieur Georges at the Château Luxe, please.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
PINKY: Me and the boys talked it over. We think you're a really straight fellow. Well, I've never been accused of that before, but I appreciate the sentiment. You're one of us now.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Compliments of Herr Mendl, for the executive staff.