Bit of a fixer-upper. It's got good bones. At least it floats. We'll just have to make the best of it, won't we? Ooh! Company. Uh, who's that? Hi. I'm Jeff. Crikey.
Look at that. It just rolls off my back. I knew I shouldn't have let monkeys proofread the contract. Elliot, Elsie, you are fired!
Thank you for showing me the way, my love.
You win this round.
I will find this damn tree on my own, and by God, history will remember me.
So... where is it? Where's what?
Don't look back.
This must be it. The map points us directly into the center of this mountain. Don't look down. Let's keep our beaks up, shall we? Trying to stay positive. What the heck are we doing up here? Going in the back way, my feathered buddy. What are you complaining about? This is the widest branch I've ever scurried on. Don't look down. Look at me. Whoa. A big cave.
Okay, James, you can't let this kid down. You got to deliver this message. Oh, no. It's James. From now on, no more focusing on relationships and... Whoa. Poly? - Is that you? - James? - Ooh, your feathers really filled out nice. - James, James! - What happened, James? - Oh, right. Message. My bad. The kid's been captured by Rassouli, and Barry's about to have Dolittle for lunch. Looks like we're going ashore after all. Be a darling and grab my dynamite, will you?
Right. Chop-chop. We got a long voyage in front of us, and the boat isn't gonna sail itself. Deep breath, Yoshi. We haven't got all day. Seems like she's full up. Maybe we could squeeze in one more. Plenty of room. - Oh, no. - Uh, Plimpton. I mean, one more stop, good fellow. I can't hear you, because I am not here. Well, I believe it's time to go our separate ways. Uh, I'm going with you. Certainly not. It's far too treacherous. I'm your apprentice. You? No, no, no. Oh, you have an apprentice? You don't need an apprentice and an ostrich. I'll go home. I didn't want to be embarrassed, so I pretended you belonged. I was helpful in there, wasn't I? - Hmm... - The animals like me. I don't take up much space. I think I belong here. Don't make me go home. Please.