[BELL STOPS RINGING] HEADMASTER: No one is born perfect. But you can be. I know you're doing what comes naturally.
Deadpool 2
He wasn't too happy about that.
Deadpool 2
Goddamn, that's beautiful.
Deadpool 2
I think we may have found your cosmic reason for being here. I'm pretty sure this isn't it. DEADPOOL: X-Force.
Deadpool 2
My people.
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
DOMINO: Okay, I'm over the convoy. Where did the rest of the team land? Good news and bad news. Bad news is the whole team is dead. The good news is, I don't think anyone's gonna miss Shatterstar. He was a bit of a prick. Oh, but Paul! DOMINO: Peter! Peter, I'm gonna miss him most. But there is a slight chance Vanisher could make it. [PEOPLE EXCLAIMING] Nope, no chance. He's dead. DOMINO: The whole team? Only the main ones. We're still good. Fuck, you are dumb. Whoever planned this stunt's been smoking a lot jazz cabbage. I'll tell you that much. That's pretty obvious! Looking good, Vanisher.
Deadpool 2
What the fuck? You'd think the studio would throw us a bone. One that doesn't end up in my mouth. The first movie made more money than the guy who invented pants. They can't just dust off one of the famous X-Men? How 'bout that putz with the giant pigeon wings? What do those do anyway, huh? Carry him three feet off the ground to snatch up the nearest muffin crumb? [DOORS CLOSE] No, no, no! I am not X-Man material at all. First off... [BREATHES DEEPLY] I'm not even a virgin. Second and more... [GROANS]
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
My whole life. I've been waiting for someone to come and save me.
Deadpool 2
Oh, it's so hard to go.
Deadpool 2
Oh. Oh, this isn't Gilbert's. I am so sorry. I thought this was an anal-bleaching party. [GUNS FIRING] [GRUNTING]
Deadpool 2
I'm sorry. Shot after shot, it's not gonna change the fact that I think you're... Are you pissing? Are you urinating right now? You're making the face that you make when you urinate. Is he pissing? I'm on it! There you go, Dopinder. If you want to be a contract killer... you gotta handle a mop before you handle a gun. Although I don't quite understand how they are at all similar. 'Cause I could shove either one up your ass and kill you. Now, leave me. I get it.
Deadpool 2
You know, historically, mischief has been my mistress... so I understand, you know. But I like to think... that you guys have really rubbed off on me. I like to think that I've rubbed off around you, too.
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
(SPEAKING ITALIAN) Oh. Welcome to Roma! Thank you.
Watch the road, watch the road! Watch the road! Oh, my God! Watch the road! Wow, Aldo is making great time.