And you haven't heard a whisper? How can so much bush go missing and nobody know nothing? [man over phone] Ah, I've heard nothing, Coach, honestly. Nothing on the street. But you know what? There is this geezer called Mickey Pearson. - Who the fuck is Mickey Pearson? - Ah, you know him. He runs the bush game. He's a horrible cunt. You don't wanna step on his toes. But there's no way your lads jimmied their way into his car, so I wouldn't concern yourself with that. All right, you know where to find me, Chasa. Keep your ear to the ground. Primetime, in you get. [Primetime exhaling] Ernie.
The Gentlemen
Next time call first. Sorry, guv.
The Gentlemen
It's fucking Usain Bolt. Come on, Usain.
The Gentlemen
[pants, groans] Phone.
The Gentlemen
Now, I can return your goods, but I can't return the inconvenience, the time, the fucking headache.
The Gentlemen
Ernie, this is not the fucking time to keep your cards close to your chest.
The Gentlemen
Did I say stop?
The Gentlemen
Once we've overcome that little challenge, then we can talk.
The Gentlemen
I gather you're the consigliere of the outfit that my boys were stupid enough to fuck around with.
The Gentlemen
And so I offer you my loyalty, my word, my time, until that debt is settled.
The Gentlemen
First of all, I'm gonna need to know how your lads got the information about where our farm was sited, 'cause that's not common knowledge.
The Gentlemen
[gasping] How did you know the location? I need my inhaler. [gasps] Yeah, in a minute.
The Gentlemen
His name is Phuc, but it's spelled with a "Ph," so it sounds like "fu-uck."
The Gentlemen
On that note, I'd like to extend my apologies on their behalf.