We just went from £150,000 to 20 million. That's a steep rise in 30 seconds. Yeah, but I would argue that you're lucky, because that is nothing compared to what I could, and perhaps should, be asking. Oh, well, thank God you're not greedy, Fletcher, you deluded, shit-eating cunt. [chuckles] I quite like it when you talk dirty to me.
The Gentlemen
What the fuck are you talking about? If you would be so kind as to furnish me with 20 million British pounds, I will give you everything... memory cards, contact sheets, recordings, the lot, and a modest little screenplay I wrote all by myself. Hold on.
The Gentlemen
Get to it, Fletcher. I'm starting to itch. Now, we both know that your boss has very, very deep pockets, and I would like to invite him just to have a teeny rummage in them.
The Gentlemen
I looked it up. App-ed it. 1500 quid? I didn't know you could spend that much on a bottle of scotch.
The Gentlemen
I'm gonna tell you a story to demonstrate why my quote is my quote.
The Gentlemen
Come on, have a drink with me. It's really yummy.
The Gentlemen
I can feel myself engorging.
The Gentlemen
Buenas tardes, Raymondo. [chuckles] I should stab you with that fucking rolling pin. Oh, don't be cunty. I was just hoping we could have a cozy little drink together. So, I've got a meeting on Saturday at your favorite newspaper. As the best private investigator in this smoky little town... good evening, ladies and gentlemen... they are ready to put 150 grand in my pocket to give them some filth. Good for me, that, but in this case... it's bad for you.
The Gentlemen
This is yours, Fletcher. I need a man with your creativity, with your nose. Now, you know you're my favorite bloodhound. I just think it's really important to remember who you're talking to, Dave. Of course I remember, Fletcher. So just make absolutely sure the check doesn't disappoint this time.
The Gentlemen
So Big Dave, editor extraordinaire, has developed a terrible antipathy for your boss and his liquorish assortment of tasty mates. He's out to destroy him and all those that cozy up to him. Front cover. Bosh! There will be blood and fucking feathers everywhere, my darling.
The Gentlemen
[ice rattles] [man] Chink, chink.
The Gentlemen
The Gentlemen
You're a cunning and creative toad, aren't you, Fletcher, coming up with a plan like this? Yeah, but I didn't really come up with it, did I? It was Big Dave. He commissioned me to do a job on Mickey, you know, sniff about, keep an eye on him, go through his bins, reveal his sins.
The Gentlemen
Mickey Pearson, the odious Yankee gangster. We're gonna bury him. Because it seems he's got himself a new friend. Lord Pressfield. Question: Is that the Lord Pressfield?
The Gentlemen
His Grace, the duke? Yeah. Once fourth in line to the throne. Apparently Mickey Pearson has squeaked his way into the crack of his fat, posh ass.