Hey, 40-year-old virgin! Get over here! Let's go! Uh-huh. Captain Khakis. - Come here. Come on, bud. - Go, let's go. - Closer. - There he is. Blue shirt guy. Blue shirt?
Free Guy
You brought him to life. You brought him to life. And he was alive because he met the one person he'd been waiting for his whole life. And I had to make it realistic, so I based it off of you. The woman of his dreams, she was the same as mine. So she liked bubble gum ice cream and swing sets and she had this very cute but oddly specific habit of always humming this classic Mariah Carey track. Like, all the time, she would repeat. Finally!
Free Guy
We used to do the same walk together every day. Except he wore a shirt. And could complete a full sentence. I can bench press a sentence. Yeah, that's totally not the same thing at all. Harder laughter!
Free Guy
Look, Guy-- Wow, this is harder than I thought.
Free Guy
Okay. Yeah. Sounds good.
Free Guy
You know, you're pretty cute when you brag.
Free Guy
Yeah, life has been pretty crazy lately.
Free Guy
Free Guy
And I don't need money or fame to prove that to myself.
Free Guy
I'll just, uh, grab you one.
Free Guy
Hey, guys.
Free Guy
You should see it in here. We're talkin' free bubble gum ice cream for life. Wow.
Free Guy
Popping today and not in a good way. Sales for Free City 2 continue to slip with numerous reports of bugs in the code and lagging online play. Embattled Soonami game founder Antwan Hovachelik finds himself in the crosshairs. Crosshairs. He's in the crosshairs and embattled. We're too busy to gloat. I'm a victim! I'm a victim! Speaking of busy, we just doubled the amount of unique visitors we can handle. It's amazing. Who'd have thought that so many people would just wanna watch video game characters instead of shoot at them?