Take my whole wallet. You want my gun, too? Come over here, take my gun.
Catch Me If You Can
You're late, all right? My name's Barry Allen, United States Secret Service. Your boy just tried to jump out the window. - My partner has him in custody. - I don't know what you're talking about. You think the F.B.I. are the only ones on this guy? Come on. He's dabbling in government checks. We've been following a paper trail on this guy for months now. You mind taking that gun out of my face? Please. Really. It makes me nervous. Let me see some credentials. Yeah, sure.
Catch Me If You Can
Los... Hollywood.
Catch Me If You Can
Does it bother you, Mr. Fox? A little, I guess.
Catch Me If You Can
Mind if I ask you a question, Agent Hanratty? How come you're so serious all the time? Does it bother you, Mr. Amdursky? Yeah, it does bother me.
Catch Me If You Can
This unsub is a big dog, passing checks as large as five figures.
Catch Me If You Can
Did you say... Bond, James Bond.
Catch Me If You Can
Hanratty, Carl Hanratty.
Catch Me If You Can
Sean, would you like to hear me tell a joke? Yeah. Sure. Knock, knock.
Catch Me If You Can
Mind if I see some identification?
Catch Me If You Can
What are you saying? He's still here?
Catch Me If You Can
Catch Me If You Can
Your wallet.
Catch Me If You Can
Kid, I'm really not in the mood for this right now. This Skywayman's driving me crazy. Who's the Skywayman? Some nut flying around the country, posing as a Pan Am pilot. There's a column about him in the paper today.