Great. Now, take my turn. I'm going to set the table for lunch. No. Wait. You have to do it. Duncan can move for me. No. You're the one who wanted to play. So play your turn.
The Way, Way Back
I need a hero.
The Way, Way Back
And he's gotta be fast.
The Way, Way Back
The man's got some soul. You got lucky.
The Way, Way Back
What happened? I'm sorry. They rushed me. They said it was for the good of science.
The Way, Way Back
Like, did you know they're omnivorous?
The Way, Way Back
Oh, my God! Vladimir. Ishmael, Ming Lee! I thought I lost you!
The Way, Way Back
I told her I'd wait up for you.
The Way, Way Back
Kevin Bacon drives a tractor in a game of chicken? Nothing? Wow. How about the remake? Anybody see the remake?
The Way, Way Back
You're probably busy or not interested, but I need somebody to be a floater at the park. You know, do some odd jobs, clean up some vomit. What do you think? Definitely. Awesome. Yeah.
The Way, Way Back
So, he says it's not a great time right now. But I'm going to go visit him soon once he gets settled.
The Way, Way Back
Yeah, she's a lot younger. Classic. They're just getting situated in San Diego. You know? New place.