You killed him, you bastard! You murdered him! I didn't murder nobody! You slashed his face open. You left him bleeding in the street like a stuck pig, then you crushed his skull with a forklift and burned his hands off to erase the fingerprints! You'll never prove it. We have the nanny-cam footage! Alice, turn that off now, please? - You're under arrest for... - Why? It's almost over. - Now. Please, just turn it off. - What? They're finding out who did it and the WiFi sucks in my room, - so give me a break. - Turn it off, now. - There's two minutes left. - Alice! - What? There isn't even anything bad on. - Off! It's just normal TV - and they're just talking! - They're talking murder on it! Normal TV, and they're just talking! Your sister just had a friend she loved... - Okay, okay! Okay! Whatever. - ...slit his throat open and she doesn't need to be hearing that right now! Let's be sensitive!
Knives Out
Very much not. Don't know why I said that. But my wife, Linda, does. Harlan started out with a rusty Smith Corona and built himself into one of the best-selling mystery writers of all time. Wow, seems like all his kids are self-made overachievers.
Knives Out
Um, so you're in the area, right? Uh, you guys probably arrived around the same time. Uh... We all got here around 8:00. My wife, Donna, she's my rock.
Knives Out
Fran's dead.
Knives Out
Ransom. Little shit. Missed the funeral.
Knives Out
Marta, anything you need... You're part of this family.
Knives Out
Knives Out
Oh, shit. I want you to remember something that's very important.
Knives Out
Knives Out
Oh, my God! Come on, Dad! Wouldn't leave him alone, the poor guy. Harlan finally had to give him the hook. The Netflix guys, their business affair guy... I didn't hear what he said, but he must've really handed him his lunch. 'Cause Walt was like a wounded puppy the rest of the night. What? Richard said what? No. Jesus. We did not get "into it." I'm just trying to get an accurate impression. Harlan took you aside at the party. When you returned, you were chastened.
Knives Out
Yes, I mean, Walt, he's done well with what Dad gave him. Not that it matters. But really, Dad hands him a book twice a year and Walt publishes it.
Knives Out
What did Harlan say to you?
Knives Out
Knives Out
I feel simultaneously freed by and supported by them.
Knives Out
In for a penny...
Knives Out
He's a genuinely selfless man. But you left the party early? Have fun. To see some friends at Smith. You know Dad pays for her crypto-Marxist-post- deconstructural- feminist-poetry-theory- whatever major? She could have stuck around for the cake. I think Linda was upset.
Knives Out
- That's not... That's... No. - No. - That can't be. - No. Can I see that please, Alan? - Yeah. It's right. - Please. This can't be legal. It's right. - You know, he was... - Oh, my God. Aren't there safeguards... Alan, there's a mistake. I don't know what to say. We're his family, so... It's not possible. Are there safeguards against this? Right mind. Something... - You know... - Alan, listen... - He was on medication. - In his final days, he was on a great deal of medication. Morphine? All right, morphine. - I mean, I don't know. - This is confusing. - She seems like family... - Alan, you can take... - ...but she's not our family. - ...this piece of paper and shove it right up your ass, and get out! And, you cops, too, out. - Linda? - Out! Right now. - Hey, Linda? - No, Richard, we need to talk. We need to fight this thing. We're not going anywhere. I said get out! We are the Thrombeys, God damn it! This is still our house!