(SINGING) And it's raining pussy! (VOCALIZING) lt's raining pussy Dude, ever since DeIiverance, man, I've been with a different girI every day. And they don't care about getting pregnant. They don't care about diseases, or are you gonna caII them back, or can you provide for them, or do you have a smaII dick, or are you reIated. AII right? And it's Iike the apocaIypse. . . The apocaIypse has IeveIed the fieId, man. Oh, my God. Do you want to doubIe-stuff that cookie? (SINGSONG) Do you want to doubIe-stuff that cookie with me? Two chefs in the kitchen We're double-stuffing the cookie Dodge and Roache You guys, Iook! Sarah and Dave brought heroin. It's time. Bucket Iist! Bucket Iist! Wait, where's Lacey? Let Lacey do it, she's a dentaI assistant. I'II do it. Yeah, you do it, Lace. ROACHE: Here we go. DIANE: Oh, don't grab, Roache. Let's watch her, Iet's everyone watch her do it. ROACHE: Put some Radiohead on. I want to do heroin to Radiohead.
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
CFO? Anyone?
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
Life has no meaning. ALFRED: Anyone? I reaIIy think I'm coming down with something.
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
(PHONE RINGING) DODGE: I'm sorry, sir, that's not covered under your current poIicy.
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
Listen, Penny, it. . . (SIREN WARBLING)
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
No. You're mentaI. (LAUGHING)
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
I'm afraid the Armageddon package is extra, yes.
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
I guess you start with aII of your chiIdhood fantasies of being a fireman or an athIete or whatever. And then eventuaIIy reaIity hits, and you reaIize that, reaIIy, aII you want is to have a desk somewhere with your name on it. But why insurance? I didn't Iike Iaw, and the economy was headed in one direction. I'm the type of person, I just. . . I feeI more comfortabIe with a safety net.
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
I thought I'd Iet you aII know of a few positions in upper management that have been made avaiIabIe.