Felix? Mary? Well, you actually went and did it. Gene. Where is everybody? They're gone. After Felix went to find you and then didn't come back... everyone panicked and abandoned ship. But I'm here now. It's too late, Ralph. Litwak's pulling our plug in the morning.
Wreck-It Ralph
Take me down from here, Ralph, right now! No. I'm doing this for your own good!
Wreck-It Ralph
But never let it be said that I'm not a man of my word.
Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It Ralph
No. No.
Wreck-It Ralph
Jiminey jaminey.
Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It Ralph
Whoa! All right, now. Let's hustle up. We've got some driving to do. I'm going to learn to drive! I'm going to learn to drive! Wait. Do you know how to drive? Yeah! I mean, I haven't done it, but... Look, I flew a spaceship today, okay? You crashed it. Just get in. How hard can it be? Okay... Start it up.
Wreck-It Ralph
Well, yeah. I mean, everyone here says I'm just a mistake, and that I wasn't even supposed to exist. What do you expect? Listen, kid... I know it's none of my business, but why do you even stick around this game? You really don't know anything, do you? Glitches can't leave their games.
Wreck-It Ralph
Right, right. That's a good note. You got to get that glitch under control, kid. Okay, I will, I will. And then you think I got a chance?
Wreck-It Ralph
Welcome to my home! I sleep in these candy wrappers. I bundle myself up like a little homeless lady.
Wreck-It Ralph
Whoa! You gotta watch out for the splash. That stuff is broiling hot. Yeah, I got that. Thank you.
Wreck-It Ralph
And this... Wait. What is this? That doesn't do anything. Ooh, what does this joystick do?