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It's that business with the water. Say you can't drink it but it's okay to shower in it.
Logan Lucky
Now, you throw in some heat, you get energy.
Logan Lucky
Don't call it a bomb.
Logan Lucky
What? You thought I was going to use a stick of dynamite or something?
Logan Lucky
I'll buy you 20 new arms. A hundred, as soon as we're done. But we got to get you back before anybody notices.
Logan Lucky
You're right.
Logan Lucky
Thank you for your service. And cheers.
Logan Lucky
Oh. Now I see what the problem is. I twisted the bag too many times.
Logan Lucky
Well, sure, but all the workers have to wear protective gloves at all times. That's... Well, it's a union rule. Union rules. Yep.
Logan Lucky
I didn't see him. I was rushing.
Logan Lucky
Hold on. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Hold on, man.
Logan Lucky
Great. Agent Grayson.
Logan Lucky
Did your daddy say he was coming?
Logan Lucky
I love you, Daddy. I love you, too.
Logan Lucky
I thought maybe you'd run off.
Logan Lucky
Let me see the gun show.
Logan Lucky
We need to finish this. Now, you go talk to your brother, all right?
Logan Lucky
Yeah, I saw 'em. I know who they are, too.
Logan Lucky