Fish told Misty? Yep. Next day, Misty dug the whole thing up and ran off with some truck driver from Florida.
Logan Lucky
Well, there's construction goin' on around there right now, so them seismic sensors are turned off.
Logan Lucky
It's a Carven Hill vault, just like the one you blew up in Parkersburg.
Logan Lucky
Joe Bang, that's a legend right there. You know where he is. No, I know where he is.
Logan Lucky
A real bank vault? Yeah, it's a tough one, too. I looked it up on the Google.
Logan Lucky
Yeah. Wall is 20-inch thick. Alarms?
Logan Lucky
Steel-encased concrete?
Logan Lucky
What part of Florida?
Logan Lucky
Real good. Fit.
Logan Lucky
You can't tell me you wouldn't love to get behind the wheel of this baby. Come on, jump on in. Take it for a spin. I don't need anything that fancy. Well, you know, this Nova ended up costin' Chevy a ton 'cause it totally bit the dust in Mexico.
Logan Lucky
And they promoted her to checker after a month. Then, the assistant manager - started getting handsy. - Handsy. Oh. So you can imagine our family don't have no love for the Grocery Castle.
Logan Lucky
You know, in Mexican, "Nova" translates to “No Go", so they couldn't get anyone to buy it. 'Cause they all thought the car would, you know, "No Go."
Logan Lucky
I can understand the feelings. Yeah, this being their big event and all, there at the auto show, we don't feel too bad about it.
Logan Lucky
Well, our sister Mellie, she used to work up at the Grocery Castle outside Manila.