Found 1186 results
Local PD got a call from someone claiming to be an eyewitness. Swears they saw the robbers, can definitely identify 'em.
Logan Lucky
How many men do you have working today?
Logan Lucky
You look like a princess. You're gonna do great.
Logan Lucky
Okay. All right.
Logan Lucky
For her talent, Sadie Logan will perform Umbrella by Rihanna.
Logan Lucky
Is Daddy here?
Logan Lucky
You know there's no smoking on CMS property.
Logan Lucky
What are you talking about?
Logan Lucky
Uh, three. No, we're going on "go"! Three, two... Hold on! Hold on! You're gonna rip it right off the track!
Logan Lucky
All right, thanks. Go ahead.
Logan Lucky
Our explosive device, that I wasn't thinking about science! Now, you said yourself we couldn't bring in normal explosives 'cause of the security!
Logan Lucky
- Okay, get... - Three, two... Wait, wait, wait, hold on. Are we going on "one" or are we going on "go"?
Logan Lucky
The chain's jammed. Oh. All right.
Logan Lucky
What the hell happened to my car?
Logan Lucky