Good boys. - Very good. - Dude, you're a fucking lousy kisser. What? I wasn't trying! That's not fair! I wasn't trying there! No judgment. Wait a second. You were trying? - Fuck no! - You were trying! - I kissed Jim! - Silence! - Ladies. - Yes? As you were.
American Pie 2
- Hand jobs. - Okay!
American Pie 2
Kiss me, here.
American Pie 2
See you guys later. Where are you goin', man? What about Dog Years? Give me, like, three days.
American Pie 2
Oh, Stifler's mom!
American Pie 2
Casa de Stifler.
American Pie 2
You ready to break up? You big, stupid dummy! Theater is so cool! I don't care if you are the best lay I've ever had in my life. - I hate your guts anyway. - Don't say that. And I don't care if you did give me ten orgasms in a row... because you smell really bad.
American Pie 2
- From the lighthouse all the way... - Hey, handsome.
American Pie 2
What are you doing here? I was gonna pick you up at the airport in two hours. I took an earlier flight, and I thought I'd surprise you. - Yeah, you did. - Kinda weird without the phone, huh? We'll get used to it. Come on. I wanna hear all about it. We'll grab you a drink.
American Pie 2
What? Tell me. Well, this one time at band camp...
American Pie 2
You're all right. Here we go. You know you're not supposed to be here now. Everyone's supposed to be in the amphitheatre. All right, come on. It's piss-poor to be this late. I'm very angry right now. You can tell by the tone of my voice I'm angry. I'm pissed off. Here they are. Got him home. Wait a minute. Are you Petey?