Have you seen Percy? Oh, yo, mami. How old are you? Twenty-three. Damn, you old as fuck. - No disrespect. He loves cougars. - I fuck with the big cats. Why don't you two big cats fuck each other, then? Whoa! - Is that an insult? - Shut the front door. It sure is, professor. Why is us having sex with each other an insult? I'm confused. - Say what you just said. Say that again. - No, I didn't mean it in a homophobic way. How'd you mean it, then? It was a joke. I'm not-- I've been with girls. I'm not homophobic. Where the fuck did you come from? Stop filming me. No comment.
No Hard Feelings
How did you even know that song?
No Hard Feelings
Don't remember ordering a phony bitch for dessert.
No Hard Feelings
Natalie's, like, super nice. Well, anyway. I can't believe you can do that, but you can't drive. Yeah, actually, um, so I've been thinking about getting my license. - That's great. - Yeah? Good. You know, 'cause Princeton's like five hours away by train, but if I have a car, then I can-- It'll be a lot easier for me to come back here on the weekends.
No Hard Feelings
So funny.
No Hard Feelings
Move! Coming through.
No Hard Feelings
I'd like to leave, please.
No Hard Feelings
[groans] The Princeton party? You said I needed to hang out with people my own age, right?
No Hard Feelings
No Hard Feelings
What the hell are you doing? Trying to save my house, Gary!
No Hard Feelings
- You'll pay it off. - Not without a car, man.
No Hard Feelings
[Allison] Sweetie, please.
No Hard Feelings
I don't know. Where's the perforation?
No Hard Feelings
I just wanted to introduce you to them, but I didn't know how to explain how old you are. [laughing nervously]