Found 477 results
Do you remember the day you ran away, Katia? Peter, we have to go! Your father's lab? The car rides?
Hitman: Agent 47
After they use you to find your father. What do you know about my father?
Hitman: Agent 47
Why should I trust you? You don't have to. Just trust your memories.
Hitman: Agent 47
Take my hand.
Hitman: Agent 47
But they will.
Hitman: Agent 47
You told me you wanted to do this, and I told you I'd do it with you. But if you want my help, you have to tell me where he is.
Hitman: Agent 47
And your name isn't Katia van Dees. It's "Quatre-vingt-dix." French for "90."
Hitman: Agent 47
Do they know? If they knew, you'd be the target. Come on, let's go.
Hitman: Agent 47
If you need my help to find my father, why did you shoot me?
Hitman: Agent 47
So I'm 43 versions better than you?
Hitman: Agent 47
Because I chose not to kill you.
Hitman: Agent 47
Bullshit! I'm just Katia van Dees. You speak French, Spanish, Mandarin. Where did you learn them? How did you free yourself from the rope?
Hitman: Agent 47
Hey, I need those. What you need is a clear head.
Hitman: Agent 47
You're the same as me, only better.
Hitman: Agent 47
You've been programmed.
Hitman: Agent 47
Untie me.
Hitman: Agent 47