And in them, the victims of the bomb would get very sooty faces and then a see-through version of themselves started rising up towards Heaven while playing a harp.
The Dictator
In this film, just one question, was there a duck who, when the explosion is happens, his bill goes around to the back of his head, and then in order to talk, he has to put it back this way?
The Dictator
No, Supreme Leader. The shape of the missile top has nothing to do with aerodynamics. It is about the payload delivery. No. It sticks in the ground, and then kaboom.
The Dictator
There was somebody who suffered a deformity like that. Okay. I am now 100% sure that you are watching cartoons.
The Dictator
It is too round on the top. It needs to be pointy.
The Dictator
Round is not scary. Pointy is scary.
The Dictator
Send his wife some chocolate covered almond nuts in a cellophane wrapped box. Delicious.
The Dictator
We're going to send your wife some almonds. Chocolate covered versions of these.
The Dictator
You know, I don't know if he's going to get better.
The Dictator
Oh, he's not going to recover, sir. He's dead.
The Dictator
Looks like we need to find a new double.
The Dictator
Death to the tyrant!
The Dictator
Because this one is...
The Dictator
You've been so cool about it.
The Dictator
Wait! Wait! Where are we going? Admiral General, what if we just tell the United Nations we have no nuclear weapons? They will lift the sanctions. We'll be free to sell oil rights to the Jalabiya desert. Uncle Tamir. Do you not remember what my saintly father made me promise him on his deathbed?