Found 1362 results
Excuse me. You guys make a really cute couple together. But maybe could you finish doing this when you're not elbow-deep in my pussy!
The Dictator
- I've got the head. - Okay, it's coming out. Come on, push!
The Dictator
Okay, Allison, you've got the head?
The Dictator
Stop talking to my vagina!
The Dictator
I think I feel an arm!
The Dictator
That's my finger.
The Dictator
What are you doing? I'm in the Lincoln Tunnel. What? Okay, look. We need to talk for a minute.
The Dictator
I'm really sorry. I'm gonna have to take this call. Is there a phone in my body?
The Dictator
- I'm sorry. - Put it right there on the right side. - Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh! - Push in.
The Dictator
- What? No... - Come on! Put it in! - No, don't be scared. Put it in. - Okay. Okay.
The Dictator
Zoey, the baby's stuck. I need you to put your hand in and help me.
The Dictator
- Where is that coming from? - What?
The Dictator
But I'm in the middle of the text.
The Dictator
It's coming out!
The Dictator
It feels so nice to kiss you. I know. It's nice to kiss you, too. I love the hugging.
The Dictator
The good news is, your prostate is completely healthy.
The Dictator
That's good. That's good. - Going in again. - Okay, good.
The Dictator
Allison, stop it! You need two hands!
The Dictator