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Marius! Grandfather! Have you any idea of the shame you bring on our family? An utter disgrace. Marius. Vive General Lamarque! Vive General Lamarque!

Les Misérables

I fell under my cart. You saved my life, monsieur. Fauchelevent.

Les Misérables

Who's there? Please, monsieur. I need your help. Please, please.

Les Misérables

ALL: Red! The color of desire! ALL: Black! The color of despair!

Les Misérables

Monsieur le Mayor? Who are you?

Les Misérables

Plotting to overthrow the state?

Les Misérables


Les Misérables


Les Misérables


Les Misérables

There's so little you say of the life you have known Why you keep to yourself Why you're always alone So dark So dark and deep The secrets that you keep In my life Please forgive what I say You are loving and gentle and good But Papa, dear Papa In your eyes I am still like that child who was lost in a wood No more words No more words It's a time that is dead There are words That are better unheard Better unsaid In my life I'm no longer a child and I yearn for the truth that you know Of the years, years ago You will learn Truth is given by God to us all in our time In our turn In my life She has burst like the music of angels The light of the sun And my life seems to stop as if something is over And something has scarcely begun! Eponine, you're the friend who has brought me here Thanks to you I'm at one with the gods And heaven is near! And I soar through a world that is new That is free Every word that he says is a dagger in me In my life There's been no one like him anywhere Anywhere, where he is If he asked, I'd be his BOTH : In my life There is someone who touches my life Waiting near Waiting here A heart full of love A heart full of song I'm doing everything all wrong Oh God, for shame I do not even know your name Dear mademoiselle Won't you say?

Les Misérables

Don't let the wine go to your brains We need a sign to rally the people To call them to arms And to bring them in line! Marius, wake up! What's wrong today? You look as if you've seen a ghost Some wine, and say what's going on A ghost, you say? A ghost maybe She was just like a ghost to me One minute there, then she was gone I am agog! I am aghast! Is Marius in love at last? I've never heard him "Ooh" and "Aah" You talk of battles to be won And here he comes like Don Juan It is better than an opera!

Les Misérables

What's the matter with you, Cosette? Have you been too much on your own? So many things unclear So many things unknown In my life There are so many questions and answers That somehow seem wrong In my life There are times when I catch in the silence The sigh of a faraway song And it sings Of a world that I long to see Out of reach Just a whisper away Waiting for me Does he know I'm alive? Do I know if he's real? Does he see what I see? Does he feel what I feel?

Les Misérables

In my life I'm no longer alone Now the love in my life is so near Find me now Find me here Dear Cosette You're such a lonely child How pensive, how sad you seem to me Believe me, were it within my power I'd fill each passing hour How quiet it must be, I can see With only me for company There's so little I know that I'm longing to know Of the man that you were in a time long ago Please, Cosette.

Les Misérables

Marius, you're no longer a child I do not doubt you mean it well But now there is a higher call I know. Who cares about your lonely soul? We strive towards a larger goal Our little lives don 't count at all! Red! ALL: The blood of angry men! Black! The dark of ages past! Red! A world about to dawn! Black! The night that ends at last! Listen, everybody!

Les Misérables

Please, monsieur, come this way Here's a child that ain 't eaten today Save a life, spare a sou God rewards all the good that you do Wait a bit! Know that face! Ain't the world a remarkable place!

Les Misérables

(SINGING) How strange This feeling that my life's begun at last This change Can people really fall in love so fast?

Les Misérables

General Lamarque is dead.

Les Misérables

I told you to stay inside.

Les Misérables