TURNING WOMAN 2: Children of the barricade who didn 't last the night Did you see them lying where they died? Someone used to cradle them and kiss them when they cried Did you see them lying side by side?
Les Misérables
Les Misérables
Les Misérables
(LAUGHING) It is time for us all to decide who we are Do we fight for the right to a night at the opera now? Have you asked of yourself What's the price you might pay? Is this simply a game for a rich young boy to play? The colors of the world are changing day by day Red, the blood of angry men! Black, the dark of ages past! Red, a world about to dawn! Black, the night that ends at last!
Les Misérables
I am reaching but I fall And the night is closing in As I stare into the void To the whirlpool of my sin I'll escape now from that world From the world of Jean Valjean Jean Valjean is nothing now! Another story must begin!
Les Misérables
(THUDDING) (SINGING) Now, Prisoner 24601 Your time is up And your parole's begun You know what that means? Yes. It means I'm free No. Follow to the letter Your itinerary This badge of shame You'll show it till you die It warns you're a dangerous man I stole a loaf of bread My sister's child was close to death And we were starving You will starve again Unless you learn the meaning of the law I know the meaning of those 19 years A slave of the law! Five years for what you did The rest because you tried to run Yes, 24601 My name is Jean Valjean! And I'm Javert! Do not forget my name Do not forget me CONVICTS: Look down, look down You'll always be a slave Look down, look down You're standing in your grave (BREATHING HEAVILY)
Les Misérables
Thank you, darling. Such a gentleman. (SINGING) Welcome, monsieur, sit yourself down And meet the best innkeeper in town As for the rest All of them crooks Rooking the guests And cooking the books Seldom do you see Honest men like me A gent of good intent who's content to be Master of the house Doling out the charm Ready with a handshake and an open palm Tells a saucy tale Makes a little stir Customers appreciate a bon viveur Glad to do a friend a favor Doesn 't cost me to be nice But nothing gets you nothing Everything has got a little price Master of the house Keeper of the zoo Ready to relieve them of a sou or two Watering the wine Making up the weight Picking up their knick-knacks When they can 't see straight Everybody loves a landlord Everybody's bosom friend I do whatever pleases Jesus! Won 't I bleed 'em in the end!
Les Misérables
At the end of the day there's another day dawning And the sun in the morning is waiting to rise Like the waves crash on the sand Like a storm that'll break any second There's a hunger in the land There's a reckoning still to be reckoned And there's gonna be hell to pay At the end of the day! (FACTORY WOMEN GIGGLING) (SHUSHING) At the end of the day you get nothing for nothing Sitting flat on your bum doesn't buy any bread There are children back at home And the children have got to be fed And you're lucky to be in a job And in a bed (GASPS)
Les Misérables
(SINGING) Come in, sir, for you are weary And the night is cold out here Though our lives are very humble What we have We have to share There is wine here to revive you There is bread to make you strong There's a bed to rest till morning Rest from pain And rest from wrong Bless the food we eat today. Bless our dear sister and our honored guest.
Les Misérables
(SINGING) The people have not stirred We are abandoned by those who still live in fear Let us not waste lives Let all who wish to Go from here GAVROCHE: Do you hear the people sing Singing the song of angry men? It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again ALL: When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums There is a life about to start when tomorrow comes!
Les Misérables
Believe of me what you will Men like you can never change There is a duty I'm sworn to do Men like me can never change You know nothing of my life No, 24601! All I did was steal some bread My duty is to the law You know nothing of the world You have no rights You would sooner see me dead Come with me, 24601! But not before I see this justice done! JAVERT: Now the wheel has turned around Jean Valjean means nothing now Dare you talk to me of crime I am warning you, Javert And the price you had to pay I'm the stronger man by far! Every man is born in sin There is power in me yet! Every man must choose his way My race is not yet run! You know nothing of Javert! I was born inside a jail! I was born with scum like you! I am from the gutter, too!
Les Misérables
(SINGING) Monsieur le Mayor, I have a crime to declare! I have disgraced The uniform that I wear I've done you wrong Let no forgiveness be shown I've been as hard On every rogue I have known I mistook you for a convict I have made a false report Now I learn they caught the culprit He's about to face the court And of course he now denies it You'd expect that of a con But he couldn't run forever No, not even Jean Valjean You say this man denies it all And gives no sign of understanding or repentance? You say this man is going to trial And that he's sure to be returned to serve his sentence? He will pay, and so must I Press charges against me, sir You have only done your duty It's a minor sin at most All of us have made misjudgments You'll return, sir, to your post (SIGHS IN RELIEF)
Les Misérables
If I could close your wounds with words of love Just hold me now, and let it be Shelter me, comfort me Hush-a-bye, dear Eponine So don't you fret, Monsieur Marius You won 't feel any pain I don 't feel any pain A little fall of rain A little fall of rain Can hardly hurt you now Can hardly hurt me now I'm here That's all I need to know And I will stay with you And you will keep me safe Till you are sleeping And you will keep me close And rain Will make the flowers Grow Gavroche, will you do something for me? Anything. Without you, I'd have bitten the dust.
Les Misérables
Les Misérables
Turn your heart into stone! This is all I have lived for! This is all I have known!
Les Misérables
Les Misérables
(SINGING) "Dearest Cosette, you have entered my soul "And soon you will be gone "Can it be only a day since we met and the world was reborn? "If I should fall in the battle to come let this be my goodbye "Now that I know that you love... "You love me as well It is harder to die "I pray that God will bring me home to be with you "Pray for your Marius "He prays for you"