Let us die facing our foes Make them bleed while we can Make them pay through the nose Make them pay for every man Let others rise to take our place Until the Earth is free!
Les Misérables
Les Misérables
And must my name until I die be no more than an alibi? Must I lie? How can I ever face my fellow men? How can I ever face myself again?
Les Misérables
Come on.
Les Misérables
Fall back, or I blow the barricade! Blow it up and take yourself with it!
Les Misérables
Now take that pail My little mademoiselle And go and draw some water from the well We should never have taken you in in the first place How stupid the things that we do! Like mother, like daughter, the scum of the street Mama! (SINGING) Eponine, come, my dear Eponine, let me see you You look very well in that little blue hat Oh.
Les Misérables
(SINGING) Hey there, monsieur, what's new with you?
Les Misérables
Where will she end This child without a friend?
Les Misérables
FOREMAN: Come on, stop that! Monsieur Madeleine is here!
Les Misérables
(PANTING) How do I get out of here? It's that way! All the way down and to the left!
Les Misérables
Stay there!
Les Misérables
(SINGING) How strange This feeling that my life's begun at last This change Can people really fall in love so fast?
Les Misérables
(SINGING) I don't want you You've got some nerve, you little slut. You've got some gall. (LAUGHS MOCKINGLY) (GASPS)
Les Misérables
Letter from the barricade. From the barricade? I'll take it. Something for me, something for you. Who needs charity? Boy. You stay away from there, you understand?
Les Misérables
Eyes to the roofs, eyes to the roofs. Thank you, monsieur.