(SINGING) Monsieur le Mayor, I have a crime to declare! I have disgraced The uniform that I wear I've done you wrong Let no forgiveness be shown I've been as hard On every rogue I have known I mistook you for a convict I have made a false report Now I learn they caught the culprit He's about to face the court And of course he now denies it You'd expect that of a con But he couldn't run forever No, not even Jean Valjean You say this man denies it all And gives no sign of understanding or repentance? You say this man is going to trial And that he's sure to be returned to serve his sentence? He will pay, and so must I Press charges against me, sir You have only done your duty It's a minor sin at most All of us have made misjudgments You'll return, sir, to your post (SIGHS IN RELIEF)
Les Misérables
If I could close your wounds with words of love Just hold me now, and let it be Shelter me, comfort me Hush-a-bye, dear Eponine So don't you fret, Monsieur Marius You won 't feel any pain I don 't feel any pain A little fall of rain A little fall of rain Can hardly hurt you now Can hardly hurt me now I'm here That's all I need to know And I will stay with you And you will keep me safe Till you are sleeping And you will keep me close And rain Will make the flowers Grow Gavroche, will you do something for me? Anything. Without you, I'd have bitten the dust.
Les Misérables
Les Misérables
Turn your heart into stone! This is all I have lived for! This is all I have known!
Les Misérables
Les Misérables
(SINGING) "Dearest Cosette, you have entered my soul "And soon you will be gone "Can it be only a day since we met and the world was reborn? "If I should fall in the battle to come let this be my goodbye "Now that I know that you love... "You love me as well It is harder to die "I pray that God will bring me home to be with you "Pray for your Marius "He prays for you"
Les Misérables
Someone who can find out their plan and when they will attack. (SINGING) I can find out the truth I know their ways Fought their wars Served my time In the days Of my youth See? The people unite! I pray you're right Dogs will bark GAVROCHE: Fleas will bite!
Les Misérables
(SINGING) It's you, Javert I knew you wouldn't wait too long The faithful servant at his post once more This man's done no wrong He needs a doctor's care I warned you I would not give in! I won 't be swayed! Another hour yet Then I'm yours All our debts are paid The man of mercy comes again And talks of justice! Come, time is running short! Look down, Javert He's standing in his grave!
Les Misérables
What is passed is gone Now we journey on through the night How was I to know at last That happiness can come so fast? Trusting me the way you do I'm so afraid of failing you Just a child who cannot know That danger follows where I go There are shadows everywhere And memories I cannot share Nevermore alone Nevermore apart You have warmed my heart like the sun You have brought the gift of life And love so long denied me Suddenly I see What I could not see Something suddenly Has begun (SIGHS CONTENTEDLY)
Les Misérables
Her suffering is over And I speak here with her voice And I stand here in her place Come on. And from this day, and evermore Let me take your coat, monsieur Cosette shall live in my protection You are very welcome here I will not forget my vow Take a drink Take a chair Cosette shall have a father now What to do? What to say? Shall you carry our treasure away? What a gem! What a pearl! Beyond rubies is our little girl How can we talk of debt? Let's not haggle for darling Colette Cosette. Cosette Dear Fantine, gone to rest Have we done for her child what is best? I think so. Shared our bread, shared each bone Treated her like she's one of our own Yes, our own. Like our own, monsieur! The cost adds up. Your feelings do you credit, sir And I will ease the parting blow Let us not talk of bargains and bones and greed Now may I say we are agreed?
Les Misérables
(SINGING) We meet again You've hungered for this all your life Take your revenge How right you should kill with a knife Get out of here Don't understand Clear out of here Once a thief, forever a thief What you want, you always steal You would trade your life for mine Yes, Valjean, you want a deal Shoot me now for all I care! If you let me go, beware! You'll still answer to Javert!
Les Misérables
Your home shall be with us And not a day shall pass But we will prove our love To you, whom we shall call A father to us both A father to us all Not another word, my son There's something now that must be done There lived a man whose name was Jean Valjean He stole some bread to save his sister's son For 19 winters he served his time In sweat he washed away his crime Years ago He broke parole and lived a life apart How could he tell Cosette and break her heart?
Les Misérables
Don't let the wine go to your brains We need a sign to rally the people To call them to arms And to bring them in line! Marius, wake up! What's wrong today? You look as if you've seen a ghost Some wine, and say what's going on A ghost, you say? A ghost maybe She was just like a ghost to me One minute there, then she was gone I am agog! I am aghast! Is Marius in love at last? I've never heard him "Ooh" and "Aah" You talk of battles to be won And here he comes like Don Juan It is better than an opera!
Les Misérables
(CHUCKLING) No. (SINGING) I smell women Smell 'em in the air Think I'll drop my anchor In that harbor over there Five? (SINGING) Lovely lady I'll love you till I'm broke Seven months at sea and now I'm hungry for a poke! Even stokers need a little stoke! PROSTITUTES: Lovely ladies Waiting for a bite! Waiting for the customers Who only come at night Lovely ladies Ready for the call Standing up or lying down Or any way at all Bargain prices up against the wall!
Les Misérables
Now Life has killed the dream I dreamed Have you anywhere to go? No? You need to get warm.
Les Misérables
(SINGING) Listen, my friends I have done as I said I have been to their lines I have counted each man I will tell what I can Better beware They have armies to spare And our danger is real We will need all our cunning to bring them to heel Have faith! If you know what their movements are we'll spoil their game There are ways that a people can fight We shall overcome their power! I have overheard their plans There will be no attack tonight They intend to starve you out Before they start a proper fight Concentrate their force Hit us when it's light Liar! Good evening, dear Inspector Lovely evening, my dear! I know this man, my friends His name's Inspector Javert! So don 't believe a word he says because none of it's true This only goes to show what little people can do Bravo, little Gavroche You're the top of the class So what are we going to do with this snake in the grass? Take this man and throw him in the tavern in there The people will decide your fate, Inspector Javert Shoot me now or shoot me later Every schoolboy to his sport! Death to each and every traitor! I renounce your people's court!
Les Misérables
(WEEPING) I never did no wrong Is it true what I've done... My daughter's close to dying ... to an innocent soul? If there's a God above... Had I only known then ...he'd let me die instead In His name my task has just begun I will take her to the hospital. Monsieur le Mayor. Where is your child? With an innkeeper in Montfermeil. I will send for her immediately. (SINGING) I will see it done!
Les Misérables
Messieurs, release him This man has spoken true I commend you for your duty Now God's blessing go with you But remember this, my brother See in this some higher plan You must use this precious silver To become an honest man By the witness of the martyrs By the passion and the blood God has raised you out of darkness I have saved your soul for God (SINGING) What have I done? Sweet Jesus, what have I done? Become a thief in the night Become a dog on the run Have I fallen so far And is the hour so late That nothing remains but the cry of my hate? The cries in the dark that nobody hears Here where I stand at the turning of the years If there's another way to go I missed it 20 long years ago My life was a war that could never be won They gave me a number and they murdered Valjean When they chained me and left me for dead Just for stealing a mouthful of bread (BREATHING HEAVILY)