Found 970 results
I really want to go here.
Big Hero 6
- Hiro? - Hey, Aunt Cass!
Big Hero 6
Now, let's take care of this.
Big Hero 6
Oh, I don't know. He's pretty serious about his career in bot-fighting.
Big Hero 6
It's, uh, been a few weeks since classes started.
Big Hero 6
Freddie, this is your house? I thought you lived under a bridge.
Big Hero 6
I fail to see how flying makes me a better healthcare companion.
Big Hero 6
He's going to help a lot of people.
Big Hero 6
Pretty sick, huh?
Big Hero 6
That's my nephew!
Big Hero 6
This is, uh, Tadashi Hamada, and this is the 84th test.
Big Hero 6
We've lost all contact with the pod.
Big Hero 6
Mr. Krei is right.
Big Hero 6
- Microbots. - Yeah.
Big Hero 6