Found 970 results
- There's no way out! - You can't beat him! Help! I can't beat him. Hiro! - Hiro? Hiro? - Help!
Big Hero 6
Use those big brains of yours And think your way around the problem.
Big Hero 6
Look for a new angle.
Big Hero 6
- No! - He's too strong!
Big Hero 6
Whoo-hoo! We didn't set out to be superheroes, but sometimes life doesn't go the way you planned.
Big Hero 6
The good thing is, my brother wanted to help a lot of people, and that's what we're gonna do.
Big Hero 6
I go inside out, then I go front and back. Dad!
Big Hero 6
I wear 'em front, I wear 'em back.
Big Hero 6
We have a lot to talk about.
Big Hero 6