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This indicates that you are happy.
Big Hero 6
- No more Little Yama. - But, wha...
Big Hero 6
Hiro. Hiro Hamada.
Big Hero 6
It's really not.
Big Hero 6
I told you, it's broken. It's not trying to go... Huh?
Big Hero 6
Big Hero 6
It's called "recycling." Next presenter, Hiro Hamada- Oh, yeah. This is it. I guess I'm up. Okay, photo, photo! Everybody say, "Hiro." - Hiro! - Yeah!
Big Hero 6
Tadashi Hamada was our best friend.
Big Hero 6
No, I don't want you to deactivate.
Big Hero 6
Dumb thing's broken.
Big Hero 6
You graduated high school when you were 13, and this is what you're doing? There they are!
Big Hero 6
Now my signs are on fire!
Big Hero 6